2024 Scavenger Hunt

It's time for the January Harriers Scavenger Hunt! This month-long event started as a way to connect and maintain motivation during COVID. Members have loved it ever since, as it keeps the mojo going in January. Have a look at last year's Scavenger Hunt to get an idea what it's all about. The more people who join in, the more fun it is! Big thanks to Natalie (top right in the picture) for organising it each year.

What's involved?

Every year there are controversies, questions and tensions - it's all part of the game and Natalie LOVES it 🙂 However this year she brought in a proofreader to foresee any of your questions and ambiguities (fingers crossed).

Got a question? Not sure what's allowed? Email Natalie to double check. Clarifications will be added to the website.

Some rules

Submit your score

When the month is over, please submit your score so Natalie can collate the results ready to announce the winners at the AGM on 20 March.

Here it is then... the Hunt is on